1-Man’s Opinion Column-Wednesday “Chargers-Wave the Flag-Wave a Red Flag”

Posted by on October 19th, 2016  •  0 Comments  • 


“Chargers-Wave Flag-Red Flag”


The San Diego Charger held a mini pep rally for the media yesterday, hoping to pull out all the stops, pull in as many as key people possible, calling out the voters in the city of San Diego to get out and vote on November 8th.

It’s Measure C on your ballot, to raise the Tourism Tax, to raise the money to build the NFL Stadium and the Convention Center annex.

The message was clear and loud as they waved the Chargers banner. It was like waving a red-flag infront of a bull too.

If you don’t pass the measure to raise the 1.8B for the downtown Stadium, you are inviting the Chargers to move to Los Angeles.

The Mayor Kevin Faulconer has signed off on the project, after getting guarantees from the Spanos family, that the team will pay for cost-overruns, and that city coffers will not be drained if there are financial issues that arise as construction progresses.

Chargers icon Philip Rivers and ex-Bolt defensive end Luis Castillo also spoke, and their tones were similar, they cannot imagine San Diego without the Chargers.

Point man Fred Maas admonished the media for bringing up the fact owner Dean Spanos is not putting a penny of his family wealth into his share of the financing, that money to come from fans purchase of PSL’s and advertisers naming rights fees. Though he was honest that Spanos will be on the hook, taking all the risks, if they don’t raise enough PSL money.

No one yesterday wanted to talk about the sticker-shock prices the fans will get when they see what PSL’s will cost per ticket, regardless of whether you sit at the 50-yard line or the 20-yard line.

Faulconer did not want to detail the behind the scenes stories involving attempts to get the State Supreme Court to sign off on reducing the “two-thirds” vote total for approval to a simple 50-plus-1.

But the real message in the flag waving was vote ‘yes’ to keep the NFL team. A no vote means the rich man owner can leave for whatever crumbs, riches, are left over now that the Rams have staked a claim, emotionally, physically and financially to the LA market.

Mention that threat of moving reminds everyone what Spanos tried to do all last year, move to Los Angeles.

Why is it everytime the Chargers have a chance to do something positive, they do something stupid. From dumping on city-county leaders as they tried to put together the first stadium plan, to turning yesterday’s public support event into a negative with more threats?

Waving the Chargers flag sounded good, but saying what they said about a ‘no vote’ was like raising a red flag again.


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