1-Man’s Opinion–Wednesday-10/28 “Good TV-Bad TV-Baseball”

Posted by on October 28th, 2015  •  0 Comments  • 

The World Series is upon us, 9-innings and more of electricity, tension, controversy, big plays. Great to watch.
But we have to put up with lots of ‘extras’, pregame shows, in-game analysis, post game carnage.
How much is too much on the set for a pregame show? Too much.
A lead anchor and four or five more analysts. Some contribute great, like the always smiling and interesting slugger Frank Thomas, and the informative well spoken Eric Karros.

Some don’t, like Pedro Martinez mumbling his way thru his comments. Some are refreshing like reporter-journalists like Tim Kurkjian, Ken Rosenthal or Tom Verducci.
And then there are those whom you question about their credibility, viability, hired probably just for their visibility.
Fox TV has now decided the world needs to hear more from the lifetime chronic liar, who is Pete Rose. Back in the day, he knew baseball. Now he knows card shows and the Home Shoppers Channel, and wishful meetings with the Commissioner seeking reinstatement.
He comes off as class clown now, with little to add to the show. There he is in his bow tie and his black-dyed hair, trying to sound hip. It’s become a turnoff.
Add to that the arrival of Alex Rodriguez, a great talent, a lifetime cheat, and an intelligent addition. For all he has been on the field, home-run hitter, diva in the clubhouse, outright liar, he is good on television. But I have a hard time stomaching all the intellect, because I know it is couched by what a phony he was as a player-person.
I guess I can ask, what’s next, the ultimate boorish Barry Bonds?
The TV networks are putting all the other bad guys on the set trying to draw ratings. I guess you figure you must appeal to the lowest common denominator of fans, they’ll watch, and that counts for lots in the advertising money making world of television, whether what’s coming out of the set is quality vs quantity..
But what do you do to your product when you overload your shows with too many opinions, too many hucksters, pranksters or slugs?
I love the Fall Classic and the history of it. I just don’t like the over analysis, and a glut of bad citizens be brought on board to tell me about the teams and the games and the plays.
The networks seem content to ruin a good thing.



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