1-Man’s Opinion on Sports-Monday “Padres-Message to the World”

Posted by on July 10th, 2023  •  0 Comments  • 

***Hacksaw’s BONUS Podcast…Monday 3pm…You Tube-Facebook-Twitter


“Padres-Message to the World”



They have spoken, now they have to follow it up.

They being Padres owner Peter Seidler, GM-AJ Prelleer, and most surprisingly the players.

The get to the All Star break with a sub-500 record.  They continue to be ranked low in alot of offensive metrics.


But they also get to these off days on a roll, having won 5-of-6.  They bashed the Mets this weekend though when they come out of the break, they play 10-in a row on the road.

The All Star break comes at the good time for a toasted pitching staff.  But the bats are booming and now they might cool down over the next 4-days.

Seidler spent this past week reiterating his belief in GM-AJ Preller and in a roster of high priced stars who have produced in the past.  In essence there will be no changes on their roster or in the Padres leadership

Preller, under fire locally and in the national headlines, stamped his approval on the roster, they have won before and they will again.

Both issued strong backing of Manager Bob Melvin, despite a struggling batting order and constant concern over the use and over-use of his bullpen.

If the Padres, who have hit better the last couple of weeks, can continue to mash home runs the way they have, and if the Fab 4-can all push their batting orders to the (.270) range with power, then this team might have a chance of pulling themselves back into the wildcard race.

A consolation prize at best in an underachieving season.

Of course to do all that, they continue to need to hit, keep the rotation healthy, and get help for the bullpen.  Added, a bunch of those 6-teams ahead of them in the wildcard race, will have to falter too.

Making up nearly 9-games and vaulting alot of teams will take more than a hot streak, but some troubles with the teams ahead of them.

So the owner believes in his team, the GM does, the manager always has.  It’s up to the Fab 4- and the bottom of that batting order to earn their pay starting next weekend.




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