1-Man’s Opinion on Sports-Monday “Padres-vs-Manny Machado”

Posted by on February 20th, 2023  •  0 Comments  • 

“Padres-Manny Machado-Who is Right-Who is Wrong”


They couldn’t’ wait to get rid of him in Baltimore.
They disliked him at the end at Dodgers Stadium
He’s beloved in San Diego

And now he’s doing this, at this time.

Manny Machado gave the Padres a deadline-make him a contract offer by February 16th.

Manny Machado then rejected the one time offer.
Manny Machado then informed everyone he was opting out of his contract.

He had every right to do this but I question the timing of him doing it.
He has every right 5-days after the season ended to head to free agency.
Test the ever increasing pay day market to see if there is a better deal.

His 10-year-300M offer, the highest ever paid a Padres star-gave him this window.  But this window isn’t open except he forced it open to tell everyone he is jumping out because ‘the landscape has changed in baseball’

It surely has and I guess the word ‘loyalty’ has changed too.
Team above self as the franchise embarks on what it hopes to be a World Series fall of baseball at Petco Park.

Machado has been a cornerstone soldier for the Friars.  Just when we were anointing him as franchise savior, the captain, the leader, he steps up and points to ‘me-me’me’.  He wants his money and he wanted a commitment upfront.

The Padres made 1-offer, a reported (5Y-105M) extension tacked onto the final 5-years they already owe him.  Rejected it flat out.  His total haul would have been (255M) on top of the (150M) he’s received.  That’s (400M) for calling San Diego home

Reports that Machado’s camp wanted a (10Y-40M) guarantee to kick in next year, which would have tallied out to a 550M-expenditure adding the new deal and what he collected

Yes he hit (.298-with 32HRs).  Yes he played Gold Glove third base and garnered some MVP votes.  Yes he plays everyday.

But by doing this, at this time, as spring training starts, he makes it about himself, out front-in public for everyone to see.  He ended talks with the team and may have hurt this relationship with a Padres ownership that is the talk of the town and of all major league baseball not named Steve Cohen-Mets

And just when you thought this was the 2nd coming of Tony Gwynn’s class-style-leadership-talent, he comes off looking something different.

He says it’s about baseball, but it’s really about ‘his money’, and now when Manny goes to the plate, the pressure points on him will grow immensely.  He’s pushed himself into a spotlight that paints him in a bad light.

In  a world of inflation, wars, unemployment, high cost of living, ugly politics, fans are not going to feel sorry for a 30M a year player going public wanting 40M a year right now.

You need great players to make a great team, and Machado has been a great one.

But now we get to opening day, and instead of fans booing Fernando Tatis for his stupidity, people may start booing Machado for his greed.  Doing this at this time of the year.

it feels like Manny reverting to how he was as an Oriole and as a Dodger.

Manny Machado….Mr-Me-Myself-I….he did this at the wrong time of the year.

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