1-Man’s Opinion on Sports–Tuesday

Posted by on June 16th, 2020  •  0 Comments  • 


“What Happens Next”


It’s ugly out there, everywhere, society and in sports.

Random thoughts on what is happening in the sports world.

BASEBALL…As bad as I have ever seen it, the vitrol between the Union and the Owners, the personality clash between Tony Clark and Rob Manfred, and the rage over money for a 3-month cut of the pie before the calendar runs out.  The two sides should agree to bring in a 3rd voice, a mediator, to sort out the crisis.  The enraged press releases each day serve no purpose.  This is now more than “I don’t agree with your offers-it has become I don’t like you nor trust you”

BASKETBALL…The Players are questioning alot of things, none of it is financial though.  They wonder about the Orlando-bubble proposal that puts players in isolation for the five weeks it might take to conduct the playoffs.  They also wonder if by playing basketball, they slowdown the message and impact they can have in the BLM movement.  Of big concern, players wanting to leave the bubble to be with family of friends, which could created another wave of the virus with that interaction.  I think the NBA could create an amazing platform-during the playoffs to deliver important messages.

NFL…Their problems are just around the corner, with the great unknown of how to conduct training camps involving 90-players and a support staff of maybe an additional 60-people.  That and controllilng players for their own safety so there is not an outbreak in these camps.  State governments could intervene with more outbreaks, and say camps cannot open, so Roger Goodell has another issue-crisis on his hands, beyond the Colin Kaeperneck conversation.

NCAA….You knew this might happen, the minute schools opened campuses to let players return for conditioning workouts….5-of-50 upper classmen at Alabama test positive after just a couple of days of workouts.  Houston shut their meetings down after 2-positive tests.  Iowa State has a problem too.  As June turns to July, will there be outbreaks within all the college programs?  On top of that, some brewing unrest at Clemson-Georgia-Oklahoma State-Iowa as players have spoken out against coaches who have made insensitive BLM statements.  We have not heard the end of this chapter.

NHL….The idea of 2-hub cities to host 24-teams sounds like a solid plan, but now this:  cross-border crossings from the US-to-Canada and back, and the 14-day quarantine limit Canada still has in effect.  Now the Canadian teams in the playoffs are discussing of holding their training camps in July, in US-cities so they don’t have border crossing situations.

PGA…It looks strange but they are playing golf with a fair degree of social distancing and no fans…no galleries.

NASCAR-Indy Car….Staging races and it feels strange with no fans in the stands, but it is working…there have been no flareups.

SOCCER…The MLS is the next on the radar with their 26-team tourney they wish to sponsor, a challenge, because you are bringing players back globally to train, live in the same hotels, then play games…imminent danger with players coming in from Mexico, Brazil and other South American venues.


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