1-Man’s Opinion on Sports–Tuesday “Country Sickness-Sports Sickness Worsens”
“Sports–Getting Worse–Not Better”
They may be playing games in the NFL as we move to late fall.. The NBA, NHL and MLB have concluded their truncated seasons with virtually no positive tests.
The Covid-scorecard did not shutdown leagues, but what the Virus-Crisis did, will have a longstanding impact on the games, the leagues, and most definitely the players.
We are talking massive financial losses in every sport because there were no fans in the stands.
The NFL has not indicated the financial damage from the loss of fans revenue yet, but many believe it is a 40% drop in team revenues gate receipts..
MLB said it lost 3B-in local revenues this past season.
NBA officials say their losses are more than 2B for the past campaign.
NHL hockey, with smaller revenues, had losses of close to 2B also.
The players took pro rated salaries to finish their seasons.
But the problems haven’t ended with the seasons ending, things look worse down road.
Baseball’s blood bath will spill into free agency. So many players are being dumped onto the open market, the cost cutting in payroll is staggering. And baseball has no idea if they can have fans next spring into summer.
There may be very few big money contracts to what few marquee playes going out on the open market. Most everyone will wind up with 1-year contracts, betting on themselves next year, for a bigger payday in 2022.
The NBA has alot of issues. The salary cap will come down. They are fighting with the Union over how many games to play, anywhere from 80-down-to-50, and apparently without fans to begin in the fall. It might be December or even January. There may not be very many max contracts given out in the off season.
The NHL wants to play a whole season, but maybe not till January, and no one believes fans can be part of the start of the season.
The NFL is concerned they might not finish this season with everyone playing 16-games. They are proposing an expanded playoff format in January. They have the calendar on their side for next year, with the hope a vaccine takes hold to heal the country before next fall’s football season.
Next season could be worse than this season. Everyone knows it, fears it, believes it is going to be happening.
The vaccine may save society sometime as the new year begins. Whether it can stop the blood-letting in sports is an unknown.