1-Man’s Opinion on Sports-Wednesday ‘Aztecs–Pick Up the Pieces’

Posted by on November 2nd, 2022  •  0 Comments  • 

“Aztecs–Pick Up the Pieces”


San Diego State still has games to play in this disappointing (4-4) season
They will likely play the game before alot of empty seats in their shiny new stadium, the sting of losing hurting the program.

They have yet to beat a quality team this year.
They were stung really bad by all the breakdowns in the loss at Fresno State.
But their gem of a QB now says he wants to play next season at SDSU as a Graduate student.

Alot to unpack at this week’s SDSU press conference:


Brady Hoke Comments

There was alot of heartbreak for everybody after loss at Frenso State
Football is ultimate team game..guys played hard..there were tears in that room after game
Most complete game we have played on defense
No one can predict what can happen in this league that’s why you never give up
Alot of people are beating alot of other people in games
Giving up chunk of big plays on defense..QBs extend plays by scrambling…we have had breakdowns too
Drives us crazy…we had 7-sacks-14 hits on QB..yet they make plays
Jaylen Maden progression has been good as a QB
Learning how to run the offense
Maden relationship with Ryan Lindley very positive
Don’t know if I am surprised at Maden progress-he is football guy
Michael Shawcroft-very instinctive player-bright linebacker
Great feel for the game-he studies the game..alot like Jake Fely who starred here
Over his two years-great improvement…he really studies
Team plagued by personal fouls…have to know when to pull up
If you started six games..you shouldn’t be doing that
Offensive line problems penalties just continue
Braxton Burmeister-this is hard for anybody-he has great attitude
There will be a time he will play for us this year

UNLV started out really good-league play gets tougher-then they had injuries
QB-Doug Brumfield-leads a good set of quarterbacks
He makes plays-moves the pocket and now he is back healthy
Offensive line much improved
They have transfer portal guys who have made a difference for the team

Jaiylen  Armstead…Getting close to 100%
Kenon Criston..does things well catching ball out of backfield-that’s why he is playing
Jeff Horton adding special RPO plays for Jaylen Maden

Jaylen Maden-QB

Have definitely improved in 3-weeks
We are on same page with coaches
Need a sense of urgency to make plays and it is happening
Ryan Lindley-he makes sure I have reached the standards we need in practice
I have in confidence in everyone around me
Decided to play safety to help team…Pat McMorris helped me alot to get ready
QB is my first love…I like both positions
Definitely want to stay and play an extra year
I love it out here…anything I could to help the team would be right
I like my athleticism at 215-220lbs
Playing defense-I learned about physiciality…learned how to finish runs
My family in Texas has given me great long distance support
Came here because of coaching contacts my brother had in Texas
No one could have imagined I could land on my feet here.
Pat McMorris-S

Michael Shawcroft is a great player-fits our scheme well
Very hard to lose last week at Fresno in final seconds
We will bounce back-great practices
Don’t forget what happened-so make sure we get it right next time
Our defense is always prpared to play whatever the snap amount is
Last week…we prepared for 2nd string QB-then Haener played
Jake Haener-a different feel-he is a real competitor
We did not communicate very well at end of game

Facing UNLV-Brumfield..great arm…moves alot
Facing lefthanded QB-it helps having Maden to practice against

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