1-Man’s Opinion on Sports–Wednesday “PADRES-LOSE MANAGER-CREDIBILITY”

Posted by on October 25th, 2023  •  0 Comments  • 


Hacksaw’s BONUS Podcast
You Tube Channel-Lee Hacksaw Hamilton




The Padres are back in the market for another manager, now that Bob Melvin has exited to take the San Francisco Giants manager’s job.

Part of me says this makes no sense, leaving a true pennant contender, with a 250M payroll and a plethora of stars to go to San Francisco.

Going to a Giants team that is devoid of any stars, has a non playoff roster, and little in the farm system.  Leaving San Diego for a substandard San Francisco team is weird.

But it also tells you alot about the depths of the dysfunction of the Padres organization, that Bob Melvin would walk away from a 4M-contract and a team that will bounce back and be in the playoffs next year, to go to San Francisco.

It tells you alot about deep the problems are with relationships going from the front office to the dugout to the clubhouse.

So AJ Preller, the architect of this roster, and architect of this mess, will now begin a search for ‘another manager’.

Under his reign Preller fired Bud Black, hired-interim failure Pat Murphy, then let him go.  Brought in Andy Green-fired him.  Hired Jayce Tinger-axed him after two years.  And then hit an apparent home run with the importation of 3-time Manager of the Year Bob Melvin, then let him walk.

Preller’s rosters haven’t won much, and failed to get to the promised land.

His managerial choices have been even worse.  So where do we go from here?

Mike Schildt did a good job for 3-years with the Cardinals but eventually clashed with then GM-John Mozeliak.  Since his dismissal, St Louis plunged into last place despite a big payroll and some real star power bats  in the lineup.  Schildt has a track record, but the big issue, would it be his team to manage, or would it be Preller’s team lock-stock-barrel.

Ryan Flaherty was bench coach, part time hitting coach, and prior to that in the front office working under Preller.  Big issue, another unproven manager who has never done it at the major league level.  See how that worked out last time with either Green or Tingler.   He has a relationship bond with Manny Machado, but Machado has been a leader of the clubhouse that witnessed two of the biggest collapses in Padres playoff race history.  So how does that play in an already split Padres clubhouse.  Flaherty is Preller’s boy and Machado’s buddy.

Ron Washington..Great success in other places, but left managerial jobs with personal problems and has been a longtime Braves coach since.  He is a poor man’s Dusty Baker, whom nobody has hired despite numerous interviews other places.  Lost his fastball?

AJ Ellis…long time major leaguer, who has worked in the front office of the Friars, but has not been a coach nor a manager.

Clayton McCullogh…a decade worth of work for the Dodgers and has interviewed with other teams last year and this year.  Maybe you strike gold with this, but no one really knows.

Oh I am sure the world will float names like Buck Showalter, or Gabe Kaplar, or Phil Nevin, but these guys have been hired then fired other places, and even with some record of leadership and success, what makes you believe Preller would let them run the clubhouse and dugouts without excessive front office interference.

But history should tell you, 3-time World Series ring manager Bruce Bochy was available and Preller didn’t want him.  And this GM never interviewed Dave Roberts, who has now won over 700-games managing the Dodgers to the World Series and the playoffs almost annually.

And you tell me you are trusting AJ Preller to get it right now after so many bad decisions prior?

And I wonder what lens-prism owner Peter Seidler is using to view Preller’s tenure in San Diego.  He must have a different look at the situation that we do.

Padres baseball, right now, lost and leaderless.  Bob Melvin’s decision to leave San Diego tells you lots about what’s going on at Petco Park.


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