1-Man’s Opinion on Sports–Wednesday. “The Aztecs Stadium–Progress-vs-History”

Posted by on February 24th, 2021  •  0 Comments  • 


“The Stadium–Strangest Look”


You drive by the old Stadium on I-15 in Mission Valley, it catches your attention, at least what is left of it.

San Diego State’s teardown of what used to be our Stadium, is nearly complete.  The scoreboard still stands.  The 3-levels of the opposite end of the stadium remain intact, but are next to fall.

In 1-corner of the 66-acres of land, slab cement is being poured for the new football-soccer stadium, the first piece of the SDSU-Mission Valley expansion.

San Diego Stadium..Jack Murphy Stadium..Qualcomm Stadium…SDCCU Stadium will be gone by April.

Derek Grice is the Associate AD for Mission Valley in charge of all the components of construction.  He spoke about the project on Tuesday:


..We’ve reached a milestone…pouring the cement foundation slabs.
..We’ve been fortunate with a dry February-Stayed on schedule
..We’ve not been impacted by the pandemic
..Our challenge is to never stop work..never stall..keep moving

..There is emotion about the old stadium-it means alot to our history
..We will pay homage to the old stadium with artifacts in the new one
..We are creating a stadium with a feel for San Diego

..We will pour elevated decks this week at the new sight
..It will be a 35,000-seat stadium with expansion to 40,000
..The north and south ends are being  designed for expansion if need
..We will have parking for 7,000 on open space at stadium sight
..Old stadium sight will become open parking
..Teardown of old stadium likely by April

..60% of the new stadium will be a typical stadium
..40%-of stadium design will have San Diego flavor
..The stadium..the trolley upgrade..the River Park will completed 2022
..We will install the turf and goal posts in April 2022
..We may plan a May-June  concert to open stadium
..We will pay homage to the Old Stadium in the new stadium

..Taking down the old stadium early gave us a huge head start
..It helped our ability to get more space for equipment
..There are alot of utilities beneath old stadium we need access too

..Go to Aztecs Stadium.com to get pictorial history of project.


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