1-Man’s Opinion on Sports–Wednesday “Veterans’ Day–Remembrance Day”

Posted by on November 11th, 2020  •  0 Comments  • 


“Remembrance Day”


On the 11th hour…of the 11th day…of the 11th month, the Great War ended in France.  World War 1 was over.

We remember all who served from that day on.  It is Veterans Day.

It rained at Arlington Cemetery on Wednesday morning, a symbol of sadness for all lost in all wars.

They played Taps and I choked up, remembering all my family members, who served and are no longer with us.

Unless you have visited Arlington…Punch Bowl in Honolulu…Verdun or Normandy, or Gettysburg, you don’t understand nor really can appreciate those who gave their lives.

The history book will tell you about the Battle of the Somme….about Iwo Jima….about Inchon….about Dien Bien Phu…about Kabul and so many other places.

Unless you have been touched by a loss, you cannot have real feeling of what it meant to an American family:

Many went and served.  Many went and never came back.  Many went, came back, but never the same.

On this day, say a prayer and remember the true heroes, those left behind,

Veterans Day is Remembrance Day and should be a true Day of Thanks.

I have two Purple Hearts in my house. I also have a heavy heart for all 7-family members, who served in combat, a father who came back, an uncle who came back broken, a Godfather forever maimed  and the ones that died in Bataan and over Regensburg….while serving ‘over there’.

Fly a flag today for those who served, sacrificed and should forever be saluted.


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