1-Man’s Opinion-Wednesday–9/9 “NFL Coach-Suicide”

Posted by on September 9th, 2015  •  0 Comments  • 

Assisted suicides are supposed to be illegal, since the days of Dr. Jack Kevorkian.

Meet Bill Belicheck, who has likely committed ‘Hall of Fame’ suicide, as detail after detail comes out in the aftermath of the Spygate scandal seven years back.

You remember the story. Eric Mangini, former Belicheck assistant, who became head coach of the New York Jets, turned his boss in to the NFL for taping signals of opposing coaches during games using sideline cameras.

How would Mangini know all this? He was one of Belicheck’s trusted assistants before becoming a head coach.

ESPN’s Outside the Lines investigative show, spilled all the sewage out on the table yesterday, and as it came pouring thru your TV, you could sense NFL fans and the media, will never view this Super Bowl winning head coach again in a positive spotlight.

Document after document detailing how Belicheck illegally taped opposing coaches during 40-different games over a seven year period. That depsite having been warned by the NFL league office, it was against the rules.

His tepid response, hey 80,000-fans in the stadium are looking at the same signals too.

Now we find out he hired a Director of Information to break down the Spygate tapes, and come up with game plan information that was fed from the Coaches booth to Belicheck during the game.

The report confirmed assistants went into opponents locker rooms during pregame warmups, looking for Play-Call sheets, that could detail formations and play scripts at the start of the game.

Indications are at least 19-teams hired special secujrity to sweep locker rooms at Gillette Stadium looking for bugs, micorphones or cameras.

And it went on and on-till Mangini, working with NFL security, on a sting operation, nailed a Patriots employee, decked out in NFL Films gear, with video of sideline signals during a game at the Meadowlands.

This was a forerunner of course of Deflate-Gate, so once a cheat, always a cheat.

Sure Belicheck has been blessed with great quarterbacks like Tom Brady and before that Drew Bledsoe. And of course, you can always say h was just looking for an edge in a game.

Or you can buy the forever ‘we are innocent’ press releases put out by New England owner Bob Kraft.

Now when you think of his name, it should probably make you think of Barry Bonds and Alex Rodriguez. You know how they’re viewed these days.

Of course the coaches response, “I’m just getting ready for Pittsburgh’ on Thursday night in the NFL opener.  Maybe he doesn’t care right now.  Some day he will wake up and understand how he will be forever viewed.  The NFL has been his life of accomplishment.  You’d think he’d want to leave a better legacy-memory.

I’m not sure you’d ever want to see a suicide in person. But here nationwide, we are looking at a Hall-of-Fame suicide by the Patriots coach, who probably will now never get voted in.



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