Donald Sterling
Can you believe what you hear? Can you believe they tolerated this for so long.
The never ending saga of the man began in 1981-when he bought the franchise, once known as the Buffalo Braves, and moved it to San Diego, where it became the Clippers. More correctly, it became the laughingstock of an NBA franchise.
Run by a maverick business man, a real estate tycoon, who ran the franchise into the ground.
Once upon a time Donald Sterling had a roster that included NBA greats World B-Free and Randy Smith, Michael Cage and Tom Chambers, Michael Brooks and Terry Cummings. He once had the rights to Byron Scott, got the rights to Bill Walton.
And they never won. He never paid his bills. He was held in disrepute in this town, and by the NBA. And for 33-years, the NBA, led by Larry O’Brien and David Stern and all those owners let this man operate this team on his own terms.
He violated league policy by missing deadlines for league fees. He fueded with GMs and Coaches. Refused to pay off their contracts. He played in a dump of a building-the old LA Sports Arena, and was the blight in the league.
Off the court, his business record was even worse. Lawsuits for discrimination; legal action over breached contracts; and a history of racial issues with Koreans, Hispanics and African Americans. It went on and on unchecked.
Out of control then, and surely now.
Donald Sterling says he is not a racist, though his policies of dealing with people indicate he is. The track record of seedy comments equals the slumlord apartment buildings he rented out. He tried to buy popularity with so-called donations, running big ads in the LA Times over this gift he gave, that award he may have bought.
He spoke openly about sex, money, power, ego. He cared not one iota about those who worked for him and his Plantation Mentality form of operation.
And now it’s over. The slurs of minorities, the scathing condemnation of Magic Johnson, the breach of ethical business practices.
He has cancer, he has dimentia, he has no friends, and he has no credibility. The best thing about this story is it is about to end. Foreclosed and evicted by the NBA landlords he is in partnership with. Soon too, his life will end, and all those he offended, stepped on, and hurt, will have something to cheer about.
What’s sad, aside from his history of discrimination, is that the NBA allowed all this to go on since 1981, and never did anything about him. His hatred of blacks superceeds only the black eye the NBA gets for allowing Donald Sterling to be part of their ownership. He was ruthless-cruel-classless-sewage, and now he’s done.